Ульяновский Рыболовный Интернет - Клуб

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14 Июн 11:09 Свияга
14 Июн 07:59 Новоульяновск
13 Июн 22:10 Волга.Сенгилей
13 Июн 13:15 Волга (черта города)
13 Июн 12:05 Малая речка
13 Июн 07:54 Луга
12 Июн 20:15 Болгары
11 Июн 14:30 Нагорное
10 Июн 21:38 Пролей каша

Personal Information

First of all, the candidate will need to provide his or her full name and contact information so that the employer can contact him or her if necessary. It is also important to attach a photograph to the resume, which will give an idea of the physical shape of the applicant. The picture should clearly show the applicant's face.


Surely there are areas of athletics in which the candidate for the coaching position is best versed. You should also indicate whether you are willing to organize and conduct individual and remote workouts. The applicant should clearly articulate their preferences by analyzing their own interests and capabilities.


In sports, as in the humanities, a college education plays an important role in landing a prestigious job. It is important for the employer to understand that the candidate's professional level is high enough and supported by an appropriate theoretical base.

From the future of Resume Example for Athletic Trainer is required physical education profile education. A document (diploma) certifying the candidate's ability to provide training tailored to the individual needs of clients is welcome.

It is a great advantage for the applicant to gain additional professional knowledge as a result of attending courses, trainings and seminars on sports-themed topics. If the applicant has been to such events, he should indicate this in a special section of the resume - "Additional Information". This fact is an eloquent confirmation of the fact that the candidate is constantly striving for self-improvement in the chosen field of sport. If the candidate has any qualifications, even those obtained in the distant past, this information should also be included in the resume.

Work Experience

Professional experience should be described in reverse chronological order. When covering work experience, list your job duties in each position. If the positions previously held by the candidate have little or nothing to do with athletics, they should be mentioned briefly.

Additional Information

The job seeker should include as many of his or her competitive advantages as possible in the resume. This paragraph should focus primarily on athletic accomplishments. A mention of the following merits will be a winning option:

  • Taking prizes at city or regional competitions;
  • mastering of modern approaches to training;
